Wednesday 6 January 2010

Blog Tweaks

We've just implemented a couple of tweakettes to the blog this morning.

The background is a little different and we're also trying a little lighter text - no real reason just a bit of a change for the New Year. There are also a couple of new pictures to make things more interesting and varied. Same old content though I'm afraid.

I would however like to take this opportunity to say hi to our new readers who've come via Twitter (I think there have been four or five since I last posted an update on Twitter about this blog) - so hi and enjoy.

We've also had a massive bump in readers at this blog. At the end of December when I last put together web stats we had had 850 visits, we're now up to 1220 - our feel is that in addition to our valuable customers who want to keep up to date, there is also now traffic from whisky industry observer and insiders - we will hopefully be featuring content that will interest everyone in coming months.

Please, please, please remember that although we massively enjoy writing this blog and Tweeting merrily away, it's not a charity so get across to and buy something ! (only half-joking - we still have to pay the salaries of the Christmas Elves who did such a sterling job over the festive period. Of course we'll also need to begin budgeting for the Easter bunnies who will shortly be arriving at PW Towers to begin work as we move towards April.

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